2 mins read

Ways to Green Your Home

Green homes strike a balance between functionality and environmental responsibility. Green building practices in new homes create an environmentally friendly structure. For those who live in an older home, simple tactics can increase the green factor of the house. As an added bonus, many green practices save you money. Assess your current living practices to identify areas for improvement. Make changes that fit within your budget to gradually transition your house to a green environment.

6 mins read

Finding a Job

Whether you are about to graduate, are returning to the work force after a break, have recently lost your job or are switching careers, you find yourself at crossroads. Finding a job is a process that most of us go through at least once and possibly several times in our lives. Why do some of us seem to be more successful at landing jobs than others? The difference can be attributed to several reasons such as the jobs seeker’s skills, line of work, the economy and, at times, even simply being at the right place at the right time. This article outlines some of the steps, methods and tips you can use in finding a job, no matter what your interest or skill level.