4 mins read

Developing Good Study Habits

One of the most challenging aspects of parenting older children is teaching them how to study. While sitting down at the kitchen table and reviewing the content in the book can be helpful, it's not always enough to give children the information they need to succeed on coming tests. Teaching your child to study, however,…

4 mins read

How to Help Your Child Learn Sight Words

Sight words play an important role in helping children learn to read. These words are often short and irregularly spelled, which means that knowing how to recognize them by sight can help a child to increase their reading fluency. Since children must recognize these words through memory, using repetition and positive feedback are the best…

3 mins read

Tips for Better Grades

Tips for Better Grades Good grades are important. They enable you to have a higher GPA, give your resume a boost, and open up avenues for recommendations and job opportunities. Good grades also represent something else: an investment of time and effort. But life happens. Sometimes a less than perfect grade reflects a span of…

3 mins read

How to Pass a High School Placement Test (HSPT)

A large percentage of private high schools in the country use the HSPT (High School Placement Test) as a screening prospective students, and even though these schools will accept new students from different backgrounds, it’s necessary to implement standardized testing in order to determine the exactly where each new student is among various subjects. Given…

3 mins read

How to Pass the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE)

There are many reasons that a private school may be the best choice for your child. Some children flourish in programs that allow them to focus on language or arts programs that may not be offered in public middle or high schools in the area. For introverted students, the personalized attention and small classroom sizes…