3 mins read

The Effects of Academic Parental Pressure on Kids

As a parent, there are few pleasures greater than your child succeeding at school. However, if you put too much academic parental pressure on kids to do well, it can backfire severely and end up affecting them negatively in a number of different ways. Albert Einstein once said, "Education is what remains after one has…

2 mins read

Graduation is upon us…. but so is the pandemic!

Regardless of where you live, the pandemic is continuing to have an impact. Last year at this time, two of my six kids were impacted by graduation ceremonies being canceled. One child was finishing high school, another was wrapping up life as an elementary school student. In our house, it meant no ceremonies, no proms,…

8 mins read

We Survived Virtual Kindergarten!

We took three “First Day of Kindergarten” pictures this year. There was our son's first day of virtual kindergarten – August 24. Then his first day of hybrid kindergarten – November 10. Two weeks after that, we went back to all-virtual school. We started round two of hybrid kindergarten again at the end of February.…

4 mins read

Saving on Back to School Gadgets and Gear

Going back to school this fall looks very different this year and many parents feel stressed trying to adapt to remote learning while also working from home. Not to mention, distancing learning comes with higher costs, too. In fact, the 2020 Back-to-School Survey from Deloitte found that 51% of parents will spend more on internet-based…