2 mins read

Prepare Your Dog for your Newborn’s Arrival

Bringing home your new baby introduces many changes to your household. If you’ll soon be bringing home your first child and you’re wondering how the dog will react, good. Now is the time to get your pup used to the idea that changes are brewing. Just like people, your dog has a routine, familiarity, and comfort level within your home. Helping to prepare your dog for the upcoming changes will facilitate a smooth transition. Here are some steps to get the pup ready for a new little brother or sister: Step 1

2 mins read

Furry, Fabulous and Famous Celebrity Pets

Last week, Kate Middleton finally revealed the name of the royal puppy (Lupo), and it got us thinking about celebrities and their pets. Lots of stars are animal lovers – in fact, our very own Brooke Burke has quite the menagerie of pets with cats, dogs, fish, a turtle and even a bearded dragon taking up residence at Chateau Charvet.

4 mins read

Pricey Pets: How To Find Inexpensive Animal Friends

Do you have any pets? If your kids love animals, but you dread all the money you have to spend on vet bills, food even clothing – I’m right there with you! We have a long list of costly creaturesthat have taken up residence at one time or another in our home. Here’s a general price breakdown on all the different pets we’ve welcomed into the family (and the budget).