6 mins read

Top 20 Fall Wardrobe Essentials for the Modern Mom

Whether you're a working mom, stay-at-home mom, or a little bit of both, you need essentials in your wardrobe that can maximize your time (because let’s be honest, there are never enough hours in the day), your budget, and most importantly, get the job done!  When you’re on the move all day, you also want…

3 mins read

Hair Removal Techniques

Hair grows almost anywhere on the surface of the body or skin. There are certain locations on a human’s body that you would not want a prolific growth of hair, especially if you are a woman. The eyebrows, upper lips, armpits, legs and bikini areas are just some of the areas where you either would want to reduce or remove hair growth. There are many ways to remove unsightly hair; some are temporary and some may be permanent.

1 min read

Summertime Make-up Tips and Tricks

Summertime is sweaty and sticky, which can wreak havoc on the makeup that took you 45 minutes to apply “just so” before you left the house. Makeup is important in the summer, not just to even things out, but to keep your face protected from harmful UVA rays. This summer, pack a light makeup bag for summer time fun.

3 mins read

Quick Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Nothing can ruin the look of a flattering outfit and hairstyle faster than unsightly dark circles under your eyes. While getting adequate amounts of sleep, eating a balanced diet full of a variety of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water can prevent and diminish the appearance of dark under-eye circles over time, sometimes you need a quick fix to get you out the door and looking your best. Fortunately, there are a number of fast remedies that take less than 15 minutes to prepare and apply.

7 mins read

Skin Rules: Expert Secrets for Great Skin

No matter whether you’re fourteen or forty – we all want great skin! And who better to share tips and tricks for getting your natural glow on than an expert? Lucky for us, top New York dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD, the author of Skin Rules, was willing to part with some of her secrets: