3 mins read

Underarm Odor in Women

While the slight scent of perspiration can be more socially acceptable in the stronger sex, underarm odor in women may tell people in close proximity that you’ve skipped a step in your daily personal hygiene. Underarm odor — otherwise known as body odor or the dreaded “BO” — is easily explained. Key to getting rid of it is using the right personal grooming products, as well as using them correctly.

2 mins read

Braiding Styles for Children

Whether your child has a flair for hairstyling or could care less, braids might be the perfect hairdo. Braids will keep the hair out of your child’s face and carefully styled around her head or down her back. Braids make a simple hairstyle that doesn’t take much time or expense.

2 mins read

How to Use Pedicure Tools

Home pedicures can be a great way to save a little cash and pamper yourself, but some pedicure tools can be a little intimidating if you’ve never used them before. Fortunately, there’s nothing complicated once you master the basics, and you’ll be able to wield your pedi tools like a pro. The toughest part of your home pedicure will be choosing the right polish.

3 mins read

How to Apply Makeup for Older Women

If you think that just because you’re getting older you have to cut back on or quit wearing makeup altogether, you are mistaken. On the contrary, wearing makeup the right way can enhance your looks when you are older, just like it did when you were younger. You just need to know what you are doing.

2 mins read

Razor Bump Treatment for Women

Razor bumps rate right up there with bacne and varicose veins on “Allure” magazine’s list of most embarrassing beauty problems, and for good reason: Those red bumps make you look like you’re dealing with an unsightly breakout, and they’re itchy and uncomfortable to boot. Luckily, you can learn to spot the danger signals and treat or even prevent razor bumps.