3 mins read

How to Curl Kids’ Hair

Children want their hair curled for many different reasons. They may have decided they want a different look for a day. They could need it curled to dress for a part they got in a school play. They may be in a backyard club in which all members must have curly hair on Fridays. Whatever reason your child has for wanting curly hair, when she comes to you and needs it done, you can smile with confidence and take care of it.

2 mins read

Cute Haircuts for Kids

Choosing a child’s haircut can be difficult. You want it to be manageable, but at the same time, your child wants to look good at recess. A haircut that is time consuming to maintain can create stressful mornings. Many cute haircut options are possible for children. Understanding what type of cut works well with your child’s hair type can make a trip to the stylist less stressful.

3 mins read

The Best Hand Lotion for Dry Hands

The cure for chapped, dry hands can seem out of reach, especially during cold, windy seasons or in arid climates. It’s easy to assume that the holy grail of hand lotions is somewhere among the many bottles, jars and tubes that populate the drugstore aisles. However, more important than the packaging, price and brand name are the ingredients your product contains — and how frequently you use it.

3 mins read

Beauty Secrets of Japanese Women

Many Americans consider Japanese women as possessing great beauty, especially when it comes to their skin and hair. Not only are Japanese women well groomed and gorgeous, the Japanese tend to be trendsetters. It’s no wonder American women want to know their secrets. You may be discouraged to learn that Japanese women spend three hours every morning doing their hair and makeup, says Naho Moriyama, “Marie Claire” Japan’s beauty chief on the “Marie Claire” website. Even so, time-crunched American women still might want to learn some of the secrets to determine which ones can work for them.

3 mins read

Heel-to-Toe Pedicure Products

Sometimes, it takes an entire arsenal of products to make your feet look well groomed, clean and pretty. Pedicure products extend far beyond a simple bottle of nail polish, from pumice stones to foot spas to those rather scary-looking razor blades. Some salons may ask that you bring your own supplies, so it’s important to know what you need.