4 mins read

4 Tips To Balance Family and Career (Or At Least Try!)

As a working mom, one of my favorite questions I ask other moms is how they manage it all. Turns out there are no secrets and everyone is different. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, a single mom or something in between, it’s universally a challenge to maintain a perfect balance between…

6 mins read

It’s Okay to Brag During Performance Reviews

It is almost time for annual performance reviews at many companies. I can already feel the anxiety building as we prepare to receive some “constructive feedback” about our job performance and decisions about promotions and raises. Annual performance reviews are especially stressful for many women. Whether this is due to cultural norms of female modesty…

5 mins read

Why Don’t Moms Negotiate Better?

I’m often demoralized to overhear this criticism about working women: we don’t negotiate. People who deliver this judgment, in my experience, tend to be human beings with limited experience being female: accomplished men in white collar, managerial positions, who shrug off women’s lack of negotiating skills as if absolutely anyone with self-esteem is born knowing…

7 mins read

Make Your Profile Standout on LinkedIn

Now that year-end crunch time is over, you may be cashing in your holiday bonus check and checking out new employment opportunities. Many employers use social media to recruit new employees, mostly through LinkedIn. Translation: create a great Linkedin profile, and fast! An effective LinkedIn profile allows you to present yourself in a multi-dimensional way…