2 mins read

Christmas Office Decorating Themes

Turning your workplace into a haven of holiday merriment is a great way to get your staff excited about the upcoming season. To give your office a touch of charm this holiday season, select a theme around which to decorate your space. By adopting a specific decorating motif, you can ensure that your office space is cohesively decorated (a must for all those Type-A readers out there). It also serves as an aesthetically pleasing reminder of the approaching holiday.

6 mins read

5 Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Packing On The Pounds

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~ Anonymous The above quote probably doesn’t reflect the title in the right manner, yet it offers food for thought! People worldwide look forward to…

3 mins read

Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cookies

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, In the lane, snow is glistening A beautiful sight, We’re happy tonight, Walking in a winter wonderland. Im so excited for the holidays that I’ve been singing all the time, loudly, very loudly, and I dont have a great voice but who cares? Its the holidays!!!It is with so much joy I share with you today a delightful gingerbread cookie recipe. Not only …

3 mins read

Spiced Whipped Coconut Cream Recipe

I just love December and I’m thrilled it’s here. Let’s make time for the things that really matter to us this month, and as much as we can let go of that which does not bring us joy. Life is meant to be fully lived and celebrated. Take care of you and your happiness, and…