2 mins read

Simple Recipes for a Christmas Party Appetizers & Snacks

Serving up festive snacks and appetizers at a Christmas party leaves your guests in awe, but it doesn’t have to keep you in the kitchen all day. Simple snacks with a holiday theme keep the guests happy and make you look like a culinary genius. If a salmon ball or cheese log is too boring, consider other simple alternatives to keep the guests full this holiday season.

4 mins read

Fun Christmas Party Games for Kids

Want to keep little ones entertained at your Christmas party this year? Make sure to plan ahead and put together some fun games and activities! The best bet is to choose games that both grown-up and kids can take part in, that way underageguests won’t have to spend the party off by themselves. And for an extra bit of holiday cheer, include a cookie swap or gift exchange so guests don’t go home empty-handed. It’s a great way to give them something to remember the party by!

3 mins read

Christmas Tree Allergies

To many families, the holiday season is not complete without a decorated tree twinkling in the window. Each year, U.S. tree farmers sell an estimated 25 to 30 million pine and fir trees, according to the National Christmas Tree Association. For people with Christmas tree allergies, this abundance of pine and fir needles can make allergy symptoms difficult to control during holiday festivities.

4 mins read

Breaking Difficult News To Your Kids Over The Holidays

Holidays with family are supposed to be joyous, right? Especially the ones we’re heading into right now. Well, like so many parenting myths, not always. Our parental instinct is to protect kids from bad news, at the holidays and at all times. But sometimes, it’s better to teach our kids how to handle challenging news.…

4 mins read

Let’s Craft: Make Your Own Snow Globe!

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from our newest featured blogger, Jessica Begum, the crafty momma behind the blog Hipster’s Tea Party. Check out her tutorial for how to make your own snowglobe: “Snow globes have always intrigued my curiosity. Ever since I was little, I’ve loved peeking in on little worlds through gingerbread house windows and tiny menageries.