2 mins read

Simple Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe

This is not your mom’s Thanksgiving stuffing recipe. Thanksgiving stuffing, even when you don’t stuff the bird, is a must for your holiday meal. This easy recipe is versatile and can accommodate anyone in your family, from the meat-lovers to the health nuts and the vegetarians. You can divide the stuffing before adding in any extras, to make vegetarian or meat-happy stuffing. Even the kids won’t be able to resist at least trying your unstuffed turkey day stuffing.

2 mins read

How to Make Pinecone Turkeys

Instead of throwing away the pinecones you rake up in your yard, make Thanksgiving decorations with them. Pinecone turkeys are good as centerpieces, seating place cards or alone, scattered throughout the house. Older kids can do this project alone, but younger ones will need help from a parent and a strong craft glue instead of hot glue.

3 mins read

Thanksgiving Tradition

Im sitting my car waiting to pick up my daughter from a sleepover, No phones, no kids running wild, this is a perfect time for me to write. I have such extreme contrasts in my life. As does any working mom. A friend of mine laughed the other day, as we were in deep conversation, talking about life and romance when my kids stormed in from school and in a second I switched over to mommy mode, romance WHO?!?

1 min read

Green Bean Casserole – Thanksgiving Style

When serving Thanksgiving dinner there are tons of ways to make classic Thanksgiving recipes. You can multi-task during the cooking process, with this alternative way to make a green bean casserole. While using the oven to cook, use the stove top to make this delicious side dish! Stove Top Style

5 mins read

Happy Thanksgiving, Sugar Momma Style

Since I married my husband, I’ve spent Thanksgivings with our combined family and incorporated their traditions into our own. There is not much ritual left in our modern American culture, but this is the time of year that we can cling desperately to what little we have. Like many of you, one of the regular holiday practices we engage in involves going around the table and letting each person tell one thing they’re …