3 mins read

5 Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas at Home

In times of uncertainty, love prevails and that explains why more people than ever are looking forward to celebrating this Valentine’s Day. In fact, a survey from the National Retail Foundation found that nearly 73% of consumers who are planning to do something on this annual holiday dedicated to love feel it is important given…

3 mins read

The Worst Valentine’s Day Gifts Ever

They say it’s the thought that counts, but sometimes it can be hard to see past a truly terrible gift. Come February 14th, there’s a ton of pressure on men to get just the right thing for the lucky lady in their life. While they might not be the most creative choices – flowers and chocolates are usually a safe bet (unless your special someone is allergic to flowers and/or chocolate). And of course, it’s hard to go wrong with jewelry.

3 mins read

Recipes for Valentine’s Day Desserts

A Valentine’s Day dessert calls for something heart-shaped, pink, red, chocolate or a combination of all of these. Whether you plan to serve dessert as the final touch to a Valentine’s Day dinner or to bring dessert to the office as a holiday treat, you’ll want to serve something that reflects the holiday, shows off your baking creativity and satisfies every sweet tooth.

1 min read

15 Famous Love Quotes For Your Valentine

Wondering what to write on that Valentine’s Day card for your sweetie? If you’re suffering from a touch of writer’s block, get inspired by reading some beautiful and beloved love quotes. Here are a few of our favorites: 1.”Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery 2. “For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” ~ Rosemonde Gerard

2 mins read

Sugar Mommas’ SWEETHEART Pretzels

These pretzel treats are a perfect activity to get the kids involved. Pretzels and chocolate – I think those are two staples in a kids life, arent they? I could not keep my son away if I tried. Once these treats are assembled and cooled, we put them in cello bags and tied them with a decorative ribbon. My kids cant wait to give their gourmet gifts to teachers, grandparents, and friends.