3 mins read

Valentine Party Foods for Kids

Puppy love is an adorable, although rare, phenomena among kids. Even if children find the opposite sex to be full of cooties, everyone loves a sweet Valentine’s day party. With the Valentine’s day theme comes tasty morsels that can be enjoyed at every age. Valentine’s day offers the perfect opportunity to celebrate the love in your little one’s life, whether it’s the girl in his class, his best bud or good old mom. Serve up some snacks with a plateful of love.

2 mins read

Valentine’s Party Games for Older Kids

Every February 14, lovers of love have the opportunity to express their feelings of devotion when they celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. In elementary school, this holiday is typically marked by the exchange of cheery Valentine’s cards. While this practice falls by the wayside as children age, older pupils can still enjoy Valentine’s festivities by engaging in valentine-themed games. These games allow pupils to join with their peers in celebrating this day.

2 mins read

Makeup Tips for Valentine’s Day

AsValentines Day quickly approaches, here area few quick makeup tips for that perfect kissable evening out with your dream date.No guy wants to kiss his Valentine with a gallon of lip gloss on their lips. Keep the lip stick or lip gloss and your foundation to a bare minimum.

3 mins read

Organize a Stress Free Valentine’s Day

Why is it that the day were supposed to celebrate the person who makes us feel the most special ends up being the day that makes us feel the most stressed? What should I get them? What will they get me? Is this romantic enough? Should we go somewhere fancy or spend an intimate night in? Whatever the stresses are, it usually ends up being about expectations, and whether you or your special someone meets them. What ends up on the sidelines is the reason for the holiday in the first place. Love.

1 min read

Naughty Valentine’s Day Gifts

There’s no better way to spice up your Valentine’s Day than with a naughty gift for your significant other. If you’re the shy type or new to being naughty, you may not be sure about what to pick and how to get it home discreetly. No problem. Shopping online for gifts gives you privacy while you shop, and most sites will deliver the items in unmarked boxes.