2 mins read

Were You Born on Leap Day? Learn All About “Leaplings!”

Imagine celebrating your Sweet Sixteen at the age of 64? Or having to use a fake birthday for online forms because the computer won’t accept your actual day of birth? This is the reality for many people born on February 29 – a date that comes along only once every four years. Called “leapers” or “leaplings,” these are individuals who were born on the extra day in February that happens in a leap year.

3 mins read

The Worst Valentine’s Day Gifts Ever

They say it’s the thought that counts, but sometimes it can be hard to see past a truly terrible gift. Come February 14th, there’s a ton of pressure on men to get just the right thing for the lucky lady in their life. While they might not be the most creative choices – flowers and chocolates are usually a safe bet (unless your special someone is allergic to flowers and/or chocolate). And of course, it’s hard to go wrong with jewelry.

3 mins read

Recipes for Valentine’s Day Desserts

A Valentine’s Day dessert calls for something heart-shaped, pink, red, chocolate or a combination of all of these. Whether you plan to serve dessert as the final touch to a Valentine’s Day dinner or to bring dessert to the office as a holiday treat, you’ll want to serve something that reflects the holiday, shows off your baking creativity and satisfies every sweet tooth.

3 mins read

How to Make New Year’s Eve Kid-Friendly

If New Year’s Eve means staying at home with the kids this year, making it a kid-friendly festivity is easier than you might think. Parents can still have lots of fun, ringing in the new year with their little ones. New Year’s Eve isn’t exclusively for grownups anymore, and you really don’t have to go out somewhere to make it a great celebration. With family friendly New Year’s Eve parties becoming more popular, the ideas for planning a fun event are endless: