2 mins read

How to Hide Varicose Veins

Summer is coming and you know what that means—time to unveil those legs that have been hibernating under winter clothes for months. Are your legs ready? You may have done everything to prepare your legs to face the world—you had them waxed, tanned and toned. Yet they’re still not ready. Just when you thought you had the sexiest legs on the block, out popped some varicose veins. As common as varicose veins are–the US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 50 to 55 percent of American women have them–they’re still regarded as unsightly and ultimately unsexy. Varicose veins are blue-tinged, raised veins that commonly occur on legs. These veins have faulty valves that slow down blood flow, making them appear twisted and swollen. Raised veins are mostly a cosmetic problem but they can cause pain. Women usually get them in their early twenties. Varicose veins are usually the result of pregnancy, weight gain, your body type, or standing on your feet for a prolonged period of time. Whatever the cause, it’s simple to hide those unsightly veins and achieve the legs you desire.

1 min read

How to Care for Cuticles

It can be tempting to clip or bite your cuticles, but there are better ways to take care of these remnants of dead skin, which are surprisingly fragile. Follow a few simple steps to maintain healthy-looking cuticles and improve the appearance of your hands.

2 mins read

How to Take Care of Your Face

Taking care of your face isn’t just about looking good today. It is also important for your long-term looks and health. No one wants to age prematurely, but without proper care the face can age long before it has to. Proper care can also protect you from developing skin cancer. With just a few extra minutes a day you can keep your face healthy and looking its best without any expensive cleansers or creams.

2 mins read

How to Tame Frizzy Hair

Frizzy hair is often a problem that individuals with dry hair, curly hair or thick hair must deal with. You are probably sick and tired of stuffing your hair into a pony tail or bun to keep the frizz down. But you can let your hair down and style it beautifully without having to worry about frizz by learning certain techniques.

2 mins read

How to Choose a Bikini

Gone are the days when your only choice for swimwear was a one-piece or a two-piece bathing suit. Contemporary bikinis come in all shapes, sizes and materials, with some cut in ways to flatter a less-than-perfect body. Follow a few simple guidelines to figure out which type of bikini is ideal for you.