6 mins read

Summer is for Dining Al Fresco

While dining out one night at Mario Batalis Babbo, he said to me the pearl Crostada is Love. Yes, my friends, food is love, so serve it up!! Summer love can be found everywhere; in the flowers, in the air, in the water, all the elements. We are particularly lucky to be served up love by the earth with the bounty of food Mother Nature provides. In preparing for summer, I love planting with my children. We plant fresh herbs (although my sage is the lone survivor) and flowers (my sunflowers are late bloomers). With each dig into the soil, Im more amazed at how it all works. We put a seed into soil, add water, sunshine and it grows into something we can eat. Thats a simple recipe for success.

2 mins read

Go Bananas! Try These Easy Recipes Today!

Does your family like bananas as much as mine does? I try to buy the greenest bananas I can find at the store but it still seems like they always turn brown before I am able to eat them. I have been making banana bread for years with the less desirable ones. But I got to wondering what I could do if I FROZE the bananas before they turn brown. Here are some tips

3 mins read

Chocolate Banana Baguette Pudding Recipe

Bread pudding is one of those items I had only ever eaten at restaurants or catered events. Until recently, I had never attempted to actually bake a bread pudding. Often they are made with raisins (I’m not a fan) and seemed more complicated than I was willing to muster the energy for. Boy was I wrong.

1 min read

Healthy Fruit Smoothie Recipe Your Kids Will Love!

We know it can be hard to get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies. But, if you use a little creativity, you can get your kids to eat right. With this fruit smoothie recipe, your kids wont even realize they’re finally listening to you and getting their essential vitamins. They’ll love the sweet taste and creamy texture and it makes a delicious summer snack. We challenge you to try it out with your kid today! Ingredients