2 mins read

Teenager Reprimanded Because of her Urban Hairstyle

Last week Destiny Tompkins, a 19-year-old college student from New York posted on her personal Facebook page about workplace discrimination she experienced at the Banana Republic in the Westchester Mall. Destiny said that she went to work on October 4th and the district manager who was a white woman stopped in for a visit. After…

7 mins read

Celebrity Parents Are Just Like Us

I am an unapologetic celebrity lover. I could give you a basic rundown of every season of The Kardashians and would win every single pop cultural trivia game but could only name you 10 Presidents and then it probably wouldn’t even be in order. Priorities people. US Weekly is like my Bible and TMZ is…

3 mins read

Woman Gets Fired Because of Sexy Photo Shoot

After so many years of being assaulted by the media with pictures of uber thin models and celebrities with hashtag body goals and thigh gap challenges, it’s so refreshing to see a shift in our culture where women with all different types of bodies are celebrated. Instead of seeing rail thin models being praised for their…

3 mins read

Hot Mess is the New Supermom

Nikki Pennington posted a photo on her Facebook page about her messy car and for a second I thought it was mine. Every day I climb into my car and simultaneously knock over quinoa bowls and Whole Foods shopping bags and have to dig seaweed chips from the cup holder. Actually, I'm totally kidding. It's McDonald's bags…