2 mins read

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Now that you have replaced that pregnancy glow for an exhausted sheen, you might be eager to shed the weight you carried around with that baby. Be wise about your postpartum weight loss. Anything too extreme or too intense could cause harm to you and your baby or could cause a set back in your steady weight loss.

2 mins read

How to Lose Baby Weight After Pregnancy

The sights and sounds of your new baby may bring you great joy. However, looking in the mirror might be about as appealing as changing a stinky diaper. Pregnancy can cause you to gain weight that remains with you, long after you give birth. Fortunately, diet and exercise can help your body return to a healthier state. Although you may think your figure will never be the same, making some healthy changes to your activities and your diet can help you regain your energy and lose some of the weight you gained during your pregnancy.