5 mins read

Ten Sneaky Ways to Get Your Kid to Exercise

If they know they’re exercising how do we teach them to make it a habit? Your kids will know how good it feels to play a running game outside with friends, to be able to carry a big blox of blocks or to be flexible enough to reach for a favorite T-shirt on a high shelf. Just because you’re not letting them in on the secret doesn’t mean you’re letting them off the hook. Reinforce how good activity feels “Isn’t that energy great?” “I’m so proud of how quickly you did that.” Take the time to talk to your kids about the benefits of exercise without nagging or making it feel like just another “should” in their life.

2 mins read

How to Prepare a Healthy Quick Meal

Drive through fast food, pizza at the front door, microwave frozen dinners–in today’s hectic lifestyle, sometimes it’s hard to remember to eat, let alone cook a healthy meal in a hurry. Quick doesn’t have to mean unhealthy; it’s more a matter of planning ahead and having the ingredients you need already in the house. Change your shopping habits a bit so you’re prepared to whip up a nutritious meal in a hurry, and you’ll give new meaning to the term “fast food.”