3 mins read

How Often Can I Body Cleanse?

The body cleanse is a diet that many have used to detox their bodies and flush the toxins out in an attempt to feel healthier, gain healthier skin and organs, lose weight and more. However, it’s not recommended for continuous use. Understanding how the body cleanse works and what the rules are can help you understand how often you can body cleanse and still stay safe.

4 mins read

How Does Nutrition Affect Learning?

If you’ve ever been stuck at work, stomach rumbling from hunger, you know how difficult it can be to concentrate on the task in front of you. You might feel tired, sluggish and even a little irritable. As a consequence, you’re probably not able to perform to the best of your ability. Now imagine you’re a child who had to go to school without breakfast because your parents didn’t have enough money to feed you. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many school-aged children, and the effects of poor nutrition on learning are a widespread problem.

3 mins read

Chinese Healing Herbs for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women, according to BreastCancer.com. Some women who are diagnosed with breast cancer opt to use holistic, traditional Chinese medicine to complement conventional medical treatment. Increased acceptance of alternative medicine—both within and outside of the medical community—means cancer patients have an easier time accessing Chinese herbs and informing themselves about them.