2 mins read

Exercises to Tone Your Butt

If your butt jiggles, wiggles, sags or dimples, don’t despair or hide it in baggy pants. There are several exercises designed specifically to tighten, tone and lift the muscles in the butt. These exercises can be added to any regular exercise routine. After a few weeks, you will be ready to show off your well-manicured backside in your favorite pair of jeans again.

3 mins read

5 Home Remedies to Fight Yeast Infections

While the fungus Candida albicans is normally present in the vagina in small amounts, when too much is present, a yeast infection can occur. In an uninfected vagina, lots of bacteria are present to keep the yeast in check. When something disrupts the balance of bacteria and yeast, like antibiotics, a change in hormones, or an illness, too much yeast can grow, resulting in what is called a yeast infection. While yeast infections are itchy and uncomfortable, rarely are they a serious health concern. If you’re having symptoms like an itchy vagina, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese or pain when you urinate or have intercourse, you may have a yeast infection. To treat a yeast infection yourself, try one of these home remedies.

2 mins read

Side Effects of the Birth Control Ring

If a baby is not in your immediate future, you may be considering your birth control options. One of these options is the vaginal birth control ring, patented under the brand name, NuvaRing. NuvaRing is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina where it releases progestin and estrogen into the blood stream through the vaginal wall. Like any other hormonal birth control method, there are a number of potential side effects caused by using the birth control ring. Here is what you need to know about them.

2 mins read

3 Ways to do a Breast Self-Exam for Teens

Although the risk of breast cancer for teens is minimal, it is still beneficial to learn methods for doing a breast self-exam at an early age. Instilling a habit of doing a breast self-exam after menstruation has begun is excellent preventative medicine. There are a variety of ways for teens to do a breast self-exam, all of which are relatively simple and quick. Remember to note any changes by writing down the date of the breast self-exam, your observations and any questions. Bring this information to your doctor.

4 mins read

Beginner Meditation Techniques

You need not be a guru to appreciate the benefits of meditation. In addition to providing mental clarity, meditation can also relieve stress, encourage deep breathing, promote blood circulation, encourage healing and boost the flow of energy throughout your body. Beginning a meditation regime may seem daunting, but not everyone spends an hour in rapt silence daily. Try these simple techniques that are perfect for beginners to meditation and require little financial or time commitment.