2 mins read

What I DON’T Want for Mother’s Day

Mothers Day is just around the corner and everyone is asking the moms what we want. Im a simple gal and not particularly high maintenance in the gifts department. I dont want flowers or jewelry for Mothers Day or any other occasion really. In fact, my perfect Mothers Day gift would be doing without some things.

1 min read

Let’s Craft: Family Hand Print Gift for Mom

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from crafty mom Jessie Jane, founder of Lilyshop: “Today we’re making a really sweet Mother’s Day gift.

9 mins read

2017 Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is coming up. Maybe it’s the one day a year you really feel appreciated. Maybe it’s the one day a year you indulge and buy yourself something special. Or, maybe you’re ready to print out a list or two and hide it in your partner’s work bag! Gifts are nice, of course, but…

3 mins read

Olive Oil Coffee Cake

We are talking coffee.........cake. That right, coffee cake for Mothers Day! Coffee cakes have been around for hundreds of years. The first cakes being made with honey, raisins and dates much more like a fruit cake. It was offered as a gesture of kindness to family and friends. The cake would be served on an…