2 mins read

Signs of PMS or Pregnancy

If you’re trying to conceive a baby, chances are you are evaluating every little sign and symptom you experience. But differentiating between the signs of PMS or pregnancy can seem next to impossible. Given that many early signs and symptoms of pregnancy mimic impending menstruation, the only way to know you are pregnant for certain is for your health care provider to confirm it through a urine or blood sample, or by an early ultrasound.

3 mins read

Cravings & the Sex of the Baby

Long before ultrasounds were common, moms wanted to know whether they were carrying a boy or a girl. During the many months of waiting to find out, they created many myths that they hoped gave clues as to the sex of their baby. One such old wives’ tale involves what mom craves during pregnancy. And it works the same as it did in past generations to give moms who don’t know the sex a fun activity to try to guess the sex. Just don’t rely on it to as a reliable gender prediction.

3 mins read

Can You Get Pregnant Without Menstruating?

It’s easy to think that you can’t get pregnant if you’re not having a regular menstrual cycle. It makes perfect sense that if you’re not having periods, you’re not fertile. The truth is that whether or not you can become pregnant depends on why you’re not menstruating and if you’re ovulating. Even if you’re not having regular periods, you could become pregnant and should use birth control to prevent pregnancy unless you’re trying to conceive.