3 mins read

Hair Care for Infants

Even if your baby has little more than peach fuzz covering his head, his hair requires a bit of personal care. Treat your little prince’s or little diva’s hair to the attention it requires. This will keep your infant looking her cutest, feeling her best and ready for all those close-up pictures that will be taken.

2 mins read

Baby Colic Treatment

A colicky baby can strain even the healthiest relationship. Though it’s normal for infants to cry at least part of the day, a baby with colic will cry inconsolably for hours. The reasons for colic are largely unknown, but there are several potential treatments for colic. Experiment with colic treatments until you find the right one for your baby.

4 mins read

When Should You Give a Pacifier to a Baby?

Giving your baby a pacifier is a personal decision. Most experts agree that pacifiers can be helpful during the first six months of life as it satisfies your baby’s natural instinct to suck. However, there are no definite guidelines about when to give a pacifier or take one away. Sometimes, it is best to just use your mothering instinct to decide if a pacifier is right for your baby, regardless of his age.

3 mins read

How Many Ounces of Formula Should Infants Drink?

There are so many things to be concerned with when you bring your baby home from the hospital. One of a parent’s biggest worries tends to be wondering how much baby needs to eat. Understanding what to expect and how a baby’s needs change can help moms and dads to enjoy feeding time, rather than fear it.

2 mins read

Breast Pain After Weaning

If you have been breastfeeding your baby, you are probably in a routine, but you have to stop eventually. If your child is showing signs and you know you are ready to stop breastfeeding, you might find yourself in the same pain you had at the beginning of breastfeeding. Eliminate some of the pain to make this weaning process as easy on you as possible.