3 mins read

Should My Child Get the Flu Shot?

Getting any kind of shot, including the flu shot, is not fun for you or for your child. Shots hurt little kids, and it hurts you to see your child crying and in pain. You also might worry about your child getting some sort of reaction, such as getting the flu, after receiving the flu shot. But according to information from the government on the Flu.gov website, a flu shot cannot cause the flu. To ease your worries, learn about flu shots.

5 mins read

Mean Boys Are Just As Bad As Mean Girls

“Mom, can I ask you something?” my son asked me this as he put away his backpack after coming home from school. “Of course”, I answer, slicing apples and spooning out peanut butter for a snack. “What’s up?” “Why does everyone think I am such a loser? How come no one likes me?” I put…

4 mins read

Soothing The Frustrations Of Homeschooling During COVID-19

If it isn’t enough that we are going through a national pandemic, this pandemic is requiring us to isolate ourselves and our families and treat our jobs like extreme sports as we maneuver working from home. Adding fuel to this wildfire is the challenge of homeschooling your children. Homeschooling one child presents with its challenges…