4 mins read

My Child Won’t Go to Bed

Dealing with a child that resists bedtime happens to probably all parents at one time or another. When every evening bedtime becomes a battle, it’s time to evaluate what may be the cause. It’s important to understand that a child may have a difficult time relaxing at night, due to several reasons. However, it’s good to know that many of these reasons are under the control of the parent. This means you can make changes immediately to improve the nightly bedtime ritual that ends with your child happily in bed and asleep.

3 mins read

My Child Is Vomiting Blood

Vomiting is a symptom that occurs often in young children, especially when they have the stomach flu. In most cases, episodes of vomiting should pass within 24 hours, but if vomiting continues or your child is vomiting blood, contact your pediatrician. Vomiting blood is not always a symptom of a serious medical problem, but it needs to be evaluated by a health care professional.

5 mins read

Are You Setting Your Child Up to be a Victim of Bullying?

My 9 year old daughter is starting third grade in a new school. I hear through the grapevine that the children in the class have been together since first grade. So over the summer I gently coached my daughter about making new friends. I suggested that although she is a newbie herself, she should also reach out to the other new kids in the class. My daughter is a good listener and she does just that.