5 mins read

How to Capture Beautiful Photos of Your Newborn

Anne Geddes set the stage for newborn photography with her awe-inspiring images, opening a window into an entirely new world of newborn photography. From there, photographers such as Baby As Art and Kelley Ryden/Tracy Raver have set the modern stage for this unique way of posing babies. Now, newborn photographers are doing everything they can to learn how to pose and capture these artistic images of sleeping babies.

4 mins read

Homework that WORKS!

A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal sent moms into a tizzy with the book review of the “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” That story got more hits on their web site than any other ever had. Talk about hitting a nerve. Following were many rebuttals in defense of the “lazy Western moms.” What we really need is moderation.

2 mins read

Things to Buy for a Newborn Baby

Families welcoming their second or third child into the family may already have a handle on what things the newborn will need, but rookie parents may feel a sense of relief at seeing a list of things so they can prepare. Friends and other family members may also want to know what to buy in order to present the new parents with gifts the newborn will need. The new parents could also be asked about their specific needs.