2 mins read

Is Bleeding Normal During Pregnancy?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, some bleeding during the first trimester is normal and happens to nearly 30 percent of all pregnant women. This bleeding, usually referred to as “spotting,” is generally very light in flow and brown or pinkish in color. Pregnancy-related bleeding is often the result of implantation, irritation or infection, or the onset of labor. With the exception of full-term labor, bleeding during the second and third trimesters is not considered a normal event.

4 mins read

How Soon Can Babies Eat Cereal?

Eating cereal is an important developmental step for babies. Not only does it mean a little more independence from nursing or bottle feeding, but it also means that your baby is meeting physical development milestones for head control and reflexes. While there are risks to giving babies cereal too soon, knowing the signs that your baby is ready for solid foods can minimize these risks.

4 mins read

What Are Signs a Baby Is Coming?

As a pregnancy draws to an end every woman wants to know how much longer the pregnancy will last. While everyone likes to think that the due date is a reliable indicator, the truth is that the average human gestation period is anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks. Knowing the signs a baby is coming may save you and your family a lot of frustration by establishing realistic estimations and expectations.