6 mins read

How Can We Keep Kids From Cheating in School?

For older generations, studying involved a trip to the library and poring over several tomes of information. Now, thanks to the Internet, students have quick research tools like Google and Wikipedia. That should mean that there is less work for them to do in order to find the information they need. If that’s the case, shouldnt studying be a simpler task for this generation? Shouldn’t kids be less likely to cheat in order to get ahead? Unfortunately, not so much.

2 mins read

Baby Jumpers Safety

Baby jumpers are a great tool for busy moms and active infants. Jumpers either hang from a bungee cord from a door or sit on the ground, depending on the brand and type. Babies can jump at their discretion and play with a toy, while nearby moms have their hands free to make dinner, play with another child or work on other projects.