4 mins read

Protect Your Kids from Abduction!

With the disappearance of little Kyron and so many other children, we felt it was time to write about this. Sadly, no one knows what happened to Kyron but his disappearance has brought up a lot of discussion amongst parents regarding the issues of strangers and abduction. Most of us were brought up with the term stranger danger (basically, dont talk to strangers) which, as we reassess it taught us no actual safety skills.

4 mins read

You Ate WHAT When You Were Pregnant?

Remember that I Love Lucy episode when Lucy made Ricky get her food in the middle of the night to satisfy her pickles and ice cream craving? Well, until youre pregnant, youll never experience weird, uncontrollable cravings like this! Some studies show that up to 68% of women experience cravings while theyre pregnant. We asked moms what their weirdest pregnancy craving was and you wouldnt believe some of the responses we received!

2 mins read

Relay Game Ideas for Kids

Relay games are classic for large groups. They get everyone involved and give each child a moment to shine. You can play games anywhere, indoors or outdoors, on land or in the water. Although they take some time, relay games are relatively simple and are easy for everyone to understand. They have clear winners, usually, are fun for everyone involved.

3 mins read

The Behavior of a Second Child

People have long-suspected that birth order affects your personality, behavior and even lot in life. First-borns tending to be the smartest and last-borns tending to be the clown may just be a coincidence. But, maybe concrete reasons exist as to why and how birth order is part of who you are.