6 mins read

Sports Team Burnout: When It’s Time to Cut Back on the Lessons and Leagues

Be it soccer or swimming, tennis or baseball, year ’round training or participation on too many teams can lead to burnout and overuse injuries which are on the rise, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. An estimated 45 million youth between the ages of six and 18 … Be it soccer or swimming, tennis or baseball, year ’round training or participation on too many teams can lead to burnout and overuse injuries which are on the rise, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

6 mins read

How to Raise an Only Child: Myths and Truths

Adapted from Parenting an Only Child, The Joys and Challenges of Raising Your One and Only You have to wonder why, when the U.S. Census reports that the single child family is the fastest growing family unit, people tell parents with only one child that they really …

9 mins read

How to Be a Relaxed Parent

“Honey, guess what I’m pregnant!” No sooner have you finished jumping for joy over your blue EPT test than you start stressing about having a baby. Questions cloud your mind: Will I be up to the task? Will I be able to breast-feed? …

3 mins read

The Real Story on Clomid from Dr. Fertility

Dear Dr. Fertility, My husband and I are struggling getting pregnant with number two. We tried for about eight months, and then after that, I bought the Clearblue digital fertility monitor and have been using that for the past three months without success. I have been having a lot …