3 mins read

How Early to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you are trying to become pregnant or suspect you might be, finding out for certain is probably at the forefront of your mind. You might be tempted to run out and take a pregnancy test days after you think you might have conceived. While many women can get accurate test results before they even miss a period, testing too early can lead to inaccurate results and frustration.

3 mins read

How to Tell If You Are Pregnant While Breastfeeding

While it's a common misconception that breastfeeding prevents you from getting pregnant again, many new moms end up with two babies close in age because they thought they were protected. The fact is, it's possible to ovulate while breastfeeding, which means you can conceive if you're sexually active during your fertile time. Here are some…

3 mins read

Can a Women Get Pregnant if She Is Not Ovulating?

Technically, no. According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, an egg must be released from a woman’s ovary for pregnancy to occur. This process is called ovulation. During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube where it becomes available for fertilization. If ovulation does not occur, there is no natural way for the egg to become fertilized. However, a woman can get pregnant if she is not menstruating and before she knows ovulation has occurred.

3 mins read

Causes of Dizziness in Pregnancy

While dizziness during pregnancy may be cause for concern, this generally temporary lightheadedness is usually the result of a benign pregnancy-related cause. A lot is going on in your body when you are pregnant, and it can have an impact on your overall circulation. Often, this inhibited circulation leads to dizziness and, as a result, lightheadedness that is almost always temporary and little cause for concern. See your doctor for any protracted or worrisome bouts of dizziness or lightheadedness.

2 mins read

Is it Safe to Color Your Hair While Breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are crucial times to be aware of potential health risks. Many beauty and personal care products contain chemicals that could be harmful to your baby, and hair dye is no exception. So, is it safe to color your hair while breastfeeding? Stay Informed It's good to know about what's safe and what's…