3 mins read

How to Make Marriage Work After Separation

After a separation it may seem like your marriage will never be the same again. While this may be true, you can try to make the change positive instead of negative.It’s amazing how much you can shift within a relationship by simply shifting your own thoughts and behaviors.

17 mins read

Meet the MILs: Which of These Mother-in-Law Types is Yours?

Let's face it, when you said "I do," you probably didn't realize you were also signing up for a lifelong subscription to MIL Magazine, complete with monthly issues filled with unsolicited advice, invasive questions, and the occasional guilt trip, courtesy of your brand new mother-in-law. For many, entering this uncharted territory can feel more like…

8 mins read

5 Ways to Keep the Romance Alive for Parents

Do you remember the children’s rhyme when you were growing up, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage”? For many people, this isn’t just a children’s rhyme, but a path their life followed. (This isn’t the case for all couples raising a child as there are many beautiful…

3 mins read

Please Give Me One More Summer

I think that right now, right at this very second of his life- my son is at the perfect age. He is 11.  Eleven is the age of all things that meld into the perfect vortex of “BOY”.  I have to say I can’t think of a time that might be better for him. At…