3 mins read

How to Tell If He Is Lying to You by His Hand Movements?

While some men are–thankfully–not skilled in the art of lying, others lie so adeptly that it can be next to impossible to distinguish an untruth. If you question the validity of your man’s statements, but feel powerless to determine whether he is lying, the answer could be as close as his hands. Experts in the field insist that many liars manifest their lying behavior in hand movements. In an MSNBC report, the hand movements indicative of a lie were compared to the old Japanese saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” By considering the senses discussed in this common phrase and watching your guy’s hands the next time he spins a yarn, you may just be able to put your uncertainty to rest.

6 mins read

How Divorce Affects Your Sleep

Sleep is one of our most precious resources. It is vital to our health and well-being. Just as we need food for energy, we need sleep to relax and recharge. During sleep the body renews its energy, releases growth hormones, and heals itself. In times of extreme stress sleep is one of the first things to become disrupted. There are two types of disruption: excessive sleeping and lack of sleep. It is not uncommon to experience both of them in the same period of time and even alternate between not being able to sleep and sleeping what seems like all the time.