How to Tell If He Is Lying to You by His Hand Movements?
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How to Tell If He Is Lying to You by His Hand Movements?

While some men are–thankfully–not skilled in the art of lying, others lie so adeptly that it can be next to impossible to distinguish an untruth. If you question the validity of your man’s statements, but feel powerless to determine whether he is lying, the answer could be as close as his hands. Experts in the field insist that many liars manifest their lying behavior in hand movements. In an MSNBC report, the hand movements indicative of a lie were compared to the old Japanese saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” By considering the senses discussed in this common phrase and watching your guy’s hands the next time he spins a yarn, you may just be able to put your uncertainty to rest.

Step 1

Look for attempts to cover his mouth. MSNBC reports that a person who is lying often covers his mouth with his hand or fingers as if in an attempt to block the untrue words. If your man is touching the skin around his mouth, or placing any part of his hand in front of his mouth as he tells you something, it may be an indication that what he is saying is a lie.

Step 2

Watch out for eye touching. Individuals who rub their eyes or touch the skin around their eyes as they talk may well be lying. As the Psychology Today website reports, many individuals who are lying go to great lengths to avoid eye contact. By rubbing their eyes, as if sleepy, these individuals manage to ensure that you never look directly into their eyes, preventing you from potentially detecting an untruth.

Step 3

Pay attention to any ear-hand contact. Touching, itching or pulling at the ears can indicate that what a man is telling you isn’t 100 percent true, reports MSNBC. Individuals who are lying may play with or even plug their ears as if in an attempt to keep the untrue words from entering them. While it would seem that an individual plugging their ears would be rather noticeable, some ear-pluggers are discrete, leaning their head against a palm or even placing their hands atop their head and using their forearms to block their ears slightly.

Step 4

Be aware of nose touching. Ever since Pinocchio’s wooden nose sprouted as he lied, the nose has been tied to truth telling. The Entrepreneur website reports that the continual rubbing or touching of the nose may be an indication that an individual is lying. This source reports that tissues in the nose may begin to itch when an individual is lying, leading the liar to rub the itchy area–and inadvertently expose his lying behavior. For some superstitious liars, a touch of the nose could be an attempt to ensure that their snout, like Pinocchio’s, is not sprouting as lies spew from their mouths.

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