5 mins read

About Marriage Family Counseling

Counseling for marriage can begin before the official marriage. Pre-marital counseling is often recommended for engaged couples to help them sort out any major differences prior to making a huge commitment. Problems and issues that arise during marriage often lead to the need for more counseling. This doesn’t mean that either partner is abnormal, just that they are two imperfect humans trying to learn how to deal with each other. Marriage problems inevitably affect the whole landscape of the family. It is common for couples with serious or long-term marriage problems to feel a need to include their children, as the tension between the marriage partners tends to create tension in all the family relationships. That is where marriage and family counseling comes in.

6 mins read

Failing Marriage Advice

People involved in a failing marriage have two choices: to try saving the marriage, or to end it. A marriage needs regular maintenance if it’s going to run smoothly. Like any other well-oiled machine, if it doesn’t get tended to regularly, then what started out as small cracks, dings and scratches can lead to damage that is much more serious. Issues in a marriage are the same way; small annoyances that are often swept aside because the couple is busy, frustrated, distracted or simply not paying attention can lead to problems that could compromise the happiness of your marriage. Protect the marriage before it begins to fail.