5 mins read

Potty-Training Creates Memorable Moments

One of the perks of coming from a big family is that I am blessed to have so many nieces and nephews. My youngest brothers are in the midst of potty training their children and watching them work at it brought back so many memories. It seems like only yesterday that I was potty training my youngest. I swear with my first one I had her potty trained by the time she was 16 months old, but by the time number six came along I was a little more laid back. As another birthday approached for Finn, I decided that I needed to step it up and get him out of diapers. I tried everything.

5 mins read

The Adventures of Potty Training

One of the perks of coming from a big family is that I am blessed to have so many nieces and nephews. My youngest brothers are in the midst of potty training their children and watching them work at it brought back so many memories. It seems like only yesterday that I was potty training my youngest. I swear with my first one I had her potty trained by the time she was 16 months old, but by the time number six came along I was a little more laid back. As another birthday approached for Finn, I decided that I needed to step it up and get him out of diapers. I tried everything.

4 mins read

The Lighter Side of Potty Training

I heard a quote once that was a pediatricians response to a parents question about when they should start potty training their child and the doctors response was effectively if you start when they are two they will be potty trained when they are three, and if you start when they are three then they will be potty trained when they are three. Whoever this pediatrician is, youre speaking my language. I am all about

4 mins read

Autism and Interacting with the Police

Autism and Interacting with the Police This happened: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-shoot-13-year-old-boy-autism-salt-lake-city-mother-called-for-help/ So, what’s a parent with a teenager on the autism spectrum supposed to think of what happened here? What do I think? First, I’m terrified. Second, I’m angry. Third, I’m confused. Why am I terrified? That could have been my child. My child does get unregulated…