5 mins read

Autism-Only School Environments

Autism-Only School Environments Yet another article has inspired me to blog about a new topic. Is an autism-only schooling environment better or worse for a child on the autism spectrum? What a great discussion topic. My son was in a typical high school general education environment (a large school). He had two accommodations (down from…

7 mins read

Supports for Our Kids with Autism

Supports for Our Kids with Autism I was told this story from a friend who gave me permission to repeat it here. What is the story? My friend’s fifteen-year-old son has autism. He is in a community integration program where a facilitator comes to their home and takes her son out on a community visit…

5 mins read

To Keep Pedaling

To Keep Pedaling   It was a Tuesday. I had been married about a month and a half. I got up early to ride my stationary bike before work. My husband was getting ready to go to his office. He got a call from a friend. “Hey, you should probably turn on your TV. There’s…

4 mins read

Autism and College

Autism and College Yep, college. College for my autistic young adult starts on Monday. College. Truth be told, it does freak me out a little. Mostly, how did this happen so soon?? It’s good news, though. Why? Because reaching college for a young person/child/teenager with autism isn’t a slam dunk. Many individuals struggle through elementary…

3 mins read

Autism and a Bus Ride

My child with autism will attend a local college at the end of the month. We have decided that most of time he can take a bus to school. This led us to make a suggestion for a summer experiment. What was the suggestion? Practice your bus ride to school. First, we got him a…