With all the talk about balance and leaning lately, I started to think about how clarity is what’s most important to me.
I wasn’t too familiar with the word ‘clarity’ and certainly not familiar with the meaning of it, when it came into my life during a yoga teacher training session back in 1995. It kind of came and went at that time but I’ve realized that it may have stayed in my head subconsciously for many years, which is probably the reason that I love my yoga practice so much. This is where I find my clarity and in turn, find my balance for leaning in and leaning out.
I can’t feel balanced if I don’t clearly know what I want in my life. I don’t think you can truly have balance unless you are actively leaning in and leaning out based on what your goals are at any given time. Knowing your goals is the clarity.
The opposite of clarity is chaos and nobody likes choas. Well, come to think of it, I have known a couple of people who seem to thrive in creating their own chaos. But the majority of us rely on that chaotic feeling to bring about the awareness that leads to clarity.
Awareness of things getting out of whack and feeling out of balance is what makes us realize that we need to re-evaluate our activities. Awareness is the first step to living a life that you want but have let slip away due to a variety of reasons or circumstances.
Yoga has taught me to look at my life more frequently than I might have otherwise done. People that like to enjoy the juggle of both biz and family usually tend to just power through the chaos until they get burned out.
What I’ve learned is that it’s best to check in every few days and find the clarity again. Once you are aligned with your clear vision again, you re-adjust priorities and make new decisions about feeling balanced.
Simple Tips for Finding Clarity:
1. Start off the week on Sunday evening by taking time in a quiet area (no music, no distractions) to just breathe and think about what you want for the coming week and the next few weeks as well.
2. Make a list of things you can do to make your life easier during the week, giving you more time to focus on your goals.
- Can you arrange some carpooling?
- Prepare some meals ahead of time
- Grocery shop for the entire week at one time
3. Make an effort every morninng to spend 2-3 minutes just breathing deeply when you wake up. Sit up in bed and simply raise your arms up while inhaling and lower them while exhaling. Focus on a few positive words while doing this exercise. I promise 3 minutes will fly by & when you open your eyes, you will be surprised to see that (after a few times) 6 or 9 minutes has gone by in the blink of an eye. This is the best way for me to start my day with positivity and clarity.
4. If you find yourself in the car several times a day, try driving without the radio/news on and focus on your breathing instead. I mean how many times do we need to listen to the same news stories over and over?!
5. Don’t take calls during the day if they’re going to interrupt your productivity. Take charge of your time and you see more of it.
6. Stay positive and open minded. Try new things every week. I tend to be a creature of habit, but when I switch things up, I’m always happy I did.
7. Learn something new every day.
8. Be flexible. If things aren’t working, change them to the best of your ability.
9. Be kind and patient.
10. Be aware.
When you’re acutely aware of what’s happening in your life, you can make adjustments without reaching that out of balance, chaotic feeling.
Try just one or two of these tips each week if you feel like you need some help de-toxing your life. Moms who work/own a business and run a household/family can easily get caught up in auto pilot mode day in and day out.
Finding clarity of mind is the true balance.