This is my son. He’s white so he’ll never pose a threat to anyone in his life because well, he’s white.
While I hope it’s true that he’ll never pose a threat to anyone, I hope it’s true because he’s a good boy – not simply because he’s white. But apparently that’s not how people like George Zimmerman think.
Instead, it seems some people have the perception that if you’re white, you’re okay, if you’re black, you’re a threat to all mankind.
A mother and father lost their son, their precious beautiful son because of the color of his skin.
It’s 2012; the fact that we are still facing this kind of racism, prejudice and hate towards others baffles my mind. We bleed the same, we feel the same, we put our pants on one leg at a time, we are the same, we are all human.
A mother and father lost their son, their precious beautiful son because of the color of his skin.
Mr. Zimmerman, living in a gated community felt threatened by a 17 year old boy, a BOY, because of the color of his skin? Because he was wearing a hoodie? Because Mr. Zimmerman felt threatened? Felt threatened? Really? I wonder what beautiful Trayvon Martin thought as he was being followed, did he feel threatened?
A mother and father lost their son, their precious beautiful son because of the color of his skin.
George Zimmerman, a man so racked with prejudice, so consumed with hate couldn’t for the life of him take a deep breath, heed the advice of law enforcement professionals whom asked him to do nothing to this boy, not to act, to wait till they arrived – and he just couldn’t. He had to act. Instigate a fight. This 28-year-old male, using ugly disparaging words while on the phone with law enforcement professionals felt so threatened that he couldn’t wait 20 minutes, so he picked a fight with a boy. A boy. He instigated a fight. And then shot him. Dead.
I wonder if it was my white son, whether Mr. Zimmerman would wait for law enforcement professionals to assist him.
A mother and father lost their son, their precious beautiful son because of the color of his skin.
Putting this horrible case of racism aside, what’s most troubling is that this man who took another human life, acted with no regard for life. Like killing an ant. And nothing was done! “Self defense,” they claim. Perhaps but still to shoot an unarmed boy dead? What type of threat could Trayvon have possibly posed? I understand that I don’t have all the details, but why did Mr. Zimmerman believe he had the power, jurisdiction, and authority to shoot another human being? And why did the law enforcement professionals take so long to investigate?
I will bet my life that if he was a 28-year-old black man that shot a 17-year-old white boy wearing a hoodie, carrying skittles, and an iced tea, he would have been arrested, prosecuted and thrown in the slammer within days. Yea I just said it.
A mother and father lost their son, their precious beautiful son because of the color of his skin.
It’s shameful. Deplorable. Not comprehensible. I pray that justice is served. I pray for Trayvon Martin’s parents. I pray for Trayvon Martin. And I pray for my sons, because there are more George Zimmermans in this world… and as long as there are, no one is safe.