1 min read

10 Ways to save $100 a Year

Here are just a few things to think about next time you are stressing over bills and having enough money.  Hopefully you can impliment at least a few into your life.

  1. Reduce your soda consumption for four cans a week (Or don’t drink them at all, that is my approach)
  2. Save $50 each on two children’s birthday parties by making homemade decorations, cake, wrapping paper and one present.
  3. Write a good letter instead of making a monthly long distance phone call.
  4. Purchase 10 articles of clothing at thrift stores, yard sales, consignment stores this year rather than paying department store prices.
  5. Once a month make a pizza from scratch instead of having one delivered.
  6. Pack four school lunches per week.
  7. Reduce your milk consumption by 2 gallons per week by substituting dry milk in cooking and in half and half for drinking.
  8. Reduce your smoking by 3 cigarettes per day (or give up altogether and save more)
  9. Hang 4 loads of laundry per week instead of ysing your dryer (My HOA will not allow clothes lines, so if that is the same for you, get creative)
  10. Bake one batch of braed (2 loaves) per week.

Have more suggestions?  We would love for you to comment.

(Source – the Tightwad Gazette)

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