3 mins read

Facts on Not Smoking for Kids

Smokers are plagued with bad breath, smelly clothes and the potential for a host of health problems. By teaching kids the importance of not smoking at an early age, you can help them combat the peer pressure they may face in middle school, high school and beyond. Present the cold, hard facts, including smoke-related deaths such as disease and home fires, as well as ways to say “no” if they’re asked to try.

2 mins read

Asthma Warning Signs

Asthma affects your ability to breathe easily. This condition causes your airways to swell and narrow. It may also cause your airways to produce extra mucus. This illness can interfere with your regular activities and may even threaten your life, according to the MayoClinic.com. Certain symptoms can indicate the presence of this condition. Once your doctor diagnoses you with asthma, you may need to take medications to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Avoiding possible asthma triggers may also help to reduce your symptoms.

2 mins read

Hair Tips for Frizzy Hair

Bad hair days abound when you have frizzy hair. Whether your hair has frizzy texture due to damage or genetics, some simple methods can help. Getting the coveted shiny, silky locks of those blessed with frizz-free hair requires a willingness to try new techniques and products. Frizzy hair will be a vaguely remembered nightmare while you enjoy your new smooth do.

7 mins read

Lying by Omission

By Our Anonymous Man on The Fence Theres something to be said about liars; liars lie in so many ways and for so many reasons. Liars lurk in business, in marriages, in friendships, in life, to hurt; whether innocently, stupidly or maliciously. However, lying by omission is in a completely different league. This form of lying takes on a life of its own. Firstly, what is lying by omission?