7 mins read

What Life’s All About

Its Saturday night. Im in a strange bed. My hubby is next to me. My boys are in another bed, passed out cuddled up into each other, wiped from a day at the Zoo and running around. Im bloated and my jeans have left bruises on my hips (literally) from the tightness from all of this weeks eating, but Im as happy as a clam. Because at the end of the day, for me, family is what its all about.

9 mins read

Some Good Ones!

Seeming that the Passover Seder is at my house tonight, I am learning to be good to myself and not pile too much on my plate. So think of today as kind of like a re-run episode of one of your favorite TV shows. Youre still gonna watch. Please read on, as I want to give you a few of my favorites