2 mins read

1 Week Cleansing Diet

People choose to do a one week cleansing diet for a number of different reasons. Many women feel that the occasional cleanse can help them to clear out their system of toxins, to make them feel better, and even to help them to lose some excess weight. Cleansing can also help to increase energy, since the body will no longer have to deal with all of the toxins in the system. Many women also report that it helps to rejuvenate their hair, nails, and skin. It can also make the digestive system more effective. Many different types of cleansing systems are on the market and you can find a host of them at Everydiet.org. The following is a simple way to begin a good cleansing regimen.

4 mins read

10 Best Foods to Build Muscle

There’s a lot of information out there about high-protein diets and how to build muscle by including more protein in your diet. However, not all sources of protein are created equal. Some protein sources will also fill you up with excessive calories and saturated fat. Stock your pantry with the foods listed below and make them essential components of your meals and snacks. You will give your muscles what they need without contributing to your fat stores.

3 mins read

What Is a Gluten Free Diet?

Gluten free diets exclude all foods containing gluten, the protein found in wheat. Gluten free diets are a life saver for many people and it is essential for those suffering from Celiac disease. Gluten free diets are often suggested for children and adults on the autism spectrum, and some people do find that they are quite effective. Fortunately, with smart cooking and alternative products, gluten free diets can be varied and flavorful.