3 mins read

How Long Does it Typically Take to Get Pregnant?

If the time is right to have a baby, you might be wondering just how long you’ll have to wait before seeing those two pink lines appear on a home pregnancy test. Although how quickly conception happens is different for everyone, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports the average wait is six months. Because many factors, such as age and health, determine conception, your chances of getting pregnant each month is approximately 25 percent.

4 mins read

Effects of Aging on Sex for Women

Engaging in sex is both a normal function and an enjoyable experience that is essential to a woman’s personal health as well helping to maintain a viable relationship with her spouse or partner. But as a woman ages, her attitudes about sex may change. How a woman feels physically as well as mentally can play a part in how aging affects her sex drive. Although aging often decreases a woman’s desire for sex, there are many things she can do to alter her libido and enhance her sexual experience.