6 mins read

Childhood Lessons in Finance

BIG Disclaimer: I am not by any means a financial professional! Besides a few random accounting classes I took while pursing my economics degree, which I remember about 0%, OK maaaaybe 1% credit and debit, I don have ANY background in finance. What I am about to share is based solely on my own personal experience of what has worked and has not worked for me in terms of managing our familys finances.

3 mins read

My first entry…

So, I just joined Modern Mom today. I figured I’d make my first blog entry pretty simple; just a little introduction of myself and my life. Let’s see…where to start. I’m about to turn 32 (I don’t like that number; let’s swap it around!.) I have 2 sons, ages 9 and 7. They both have ADHD, and I suspect my 7 year old also has some sort of sensory integration disorder.

3 mins read

Chinese Methods for Birth Control

As of July 2010, China’s population grew to an estimated 1.33 billion, making it the most populated country in the world. China’s ever-growing population prompted its government to implement the controversial “one-child” policy in 1979, which imposes a heavy fine to couples if they have a supernumerary child without a permit. Those who follow the law receive rewards and benefits. With no policy overturn in sight, as of 2010, Chinese couples continue to take birth control methods available to them.

3 mins read

Why Is My Husband Cheating?

Not all men cheat on their wives, but the ones who do have as many different reasons as there are men. The reasons men cheat do not justify the behavior; they are merely explaining it. If your husband is cheating on you, you are certainly not alone. Marriage counselor M. Gary Neuman, author of “The Truth About Cheating,” discovered that 1 in every 2.7 men cheat on their wives.