5 mins read

Child Predators Love Polite Kids…

How many times have you told your child to always obey the grownups? Have you insisted that they hug or kiss Uncle Johnny or that family friend or relative who visits every holiday, even though your child obviously feels uncomfortable doing so? Of course, every parent wants to make sure they arent raising rude, obnoxious kids. But, it can be a dangerous message we give our children when we insist that they deny their instincts and force them to be polite so that we, the parent, can save face. It can be especially risky to insist that they express physical affection when they are clearly uncomfortable doing so.

2 mins read

Ways to Green Your Home

Green homes strike a balance between functionality and environmental responsibility. Green building practices in new homes create an environmentally friendly structure. For those who live in an older home, simple tactics can increase the green factor of the house. As an added bonus, many green practices save you money. Assess your current living practices to identify areas for improvement. Make changes that fit within your budget to gradually transition your house to a green environment.

2 mins read

Ways to Recycle

Separating glass and paper into recycling bins represents only a small fraction of the possible recycling options for the average household. Tactics that keep trash or household items out of the landfills fall under the recycling umbrella. Before throwing old items into the trash can, consider possible alternative purposes for the items. Challenge yourself to reduce the amount of waste that fills your garbage bin each week.