6 mins read

Behind the Counter: Store Clerk Slaps Childs Hand

As a mother I silently vowed to protect my daughter from harm the day she was born. As an adult I vow to be mature and handle situations with the most integrity possible. I am a role model, after all. Those little eyes watch every move I make and listen to every word that comes from my mouth. However, what happens when those two situations combine? It’s time to elaborate.

5 mins read

Unlocking Potential: The Value of Under-the-Radar Academic Programs for High School Students

In the dynamic landscape of high school education, specific programs are hidden gems that offer students unique opportunities to develop critical skills and stand out in the college admissions process. Let’s explore some noteworthy academic programs that often don’t get the attention they deserve.    The AP Capstone Diploma: A Jewel in Advanced Placement’s (AP’s)…