7 mins read

Pregnancy and Nutrition

Wanting whats best for your baby is only natural so choosing the right foods while you are pregnant is very important. Healthy foods are the foundation of pregnancy nutrition. What you eat is what your baby eats, smart food choices during pregnancy can help promote your babies growth and development. When you become pregnant you may begin to have questions about your nutrition like, Do I really need to eat for two? How should my diet change now that I am pregnant? What other nutrients do I need for a healthy pregnancy? Al

3 mins read

Problems With High-Protein Diets in Women

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about three-fourths of Americans are considered overweight or obese. Given this alarming statistic, many people are turning to high-protein diets as a quick way to lose weight. Although these diets may result in a few lost pounds, they often pose other serious health problems. Focusing on animal-derived foods that are high in saturated fat, these diets can raise cholesterol and lead to coronary disease, among other things.