3 mins read

Fetal Growth Abnormality

Fetal growth abnormality is an umbrella term that refers to any abnormality in how a baby grows inside the womb. According to the Nemours Foundation, newborns typically weigh between 6 lbs., 2 oz. and 9 lbs., 2 oz. and can range from 19 to 21 inches in length. Newborns that are significantly larger or smaller than normal are considered to have a fetal growth abnormality. While many pregnancies with fetal growth abnormalities will be born at term–37 weeks after conception–other will be born before the 37 weeks mark and thus be premature.

2 mins read

The Effects of Smoking on Babies

We all know smoking isn’t good for you; it turns out it’s just as harmful, if not more so, for a developing baby. Low birth weight, a greater risk of SIDS and an increased risk of childhood asthma are just a few of the health problems faced by babies who are exposed to nicotine in the womb. Give your baby a better chance at a healthy, happy infancy by cutting out cigarettes and staying away from second hand smoke.

4 mins read

Vacation Ideas for Toddlers

According to Dr. Robyn Fivush of the Emory University, most children develop their first memory of detailed events between the ages of two and four. Since vacations are often very memorable events, in general, these vacation ideas for toddlers may develop into your child’s first memory. The perfect vacation also doubles as a unique learning experience for the whole family.

5 mins read

Sun Damage is like Pregnancy

Sun Damage is like Pregnancy. The only true form of prevention is abstinence. And just like sex, it is unlikely we will stay away from the sun. Can I get an Amen! for modern science and its invention of birth control and sunscreen? As modern moms, …